
Entity Definition

Logical Name : TransportPaymentMethod
Physical Name : CO_TRNSPRT_PYM_MTH

Designated methods of paying for transportation services.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TransportationPaymentMethodCode (PK) A designated code and enumerated value list that categorizes different ways of paying for transporation services related to a shipment/delivery of merchandise. These typically apply to COD or scenarios where the merchandise is paid for through another means but the customer must pay transport fees on delivery. GS1 examples include: BANK_CHEQUE BANK_GIRO BANKERS_DRAFT BOOKENTRY_CREDIT BOOKENTRY_DEBIT BOP CASH CERTIFIED_CHEQUE CHEQUE CREDIT_CARD DEBIT_CARD ELECTRONIC_CREDIT_ACH ELECTRONIC_DEBIT_ACH FED_WIRE_NON_REPETITIVE FED_WIRE_REPETITIVE INTERNATIONAL_WIRE LETTER_OF_CREDIT POSTGIRO WIRE_TRANSFER_CREDIT WIRE_TRANSFER_DEBIT CD_TRNSPRT_PYM_MTH Name varchar(40)
Description Short narrative description of a TransportPaymentMethod DE_TRNSPRT_PYM_MTH DescriptionShort varchar(255)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
TransportPaymentMethod defines CustomerOrderShipment
TransportPaymentMethod defines CustomerDeliveryInstruction

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